
Christmas Carol Sing at The Sloaney Pony

Last night hubby and I ventured out to The White Horse Pub in Parson's Green (aka The Sloaney Pony) for the Christmas Carol Sing! They held the event outside near the Christmas tree (pictured above) in the beer garden. There was a barbecue (hence the smoky photo) and they were serving the most delicious mulled wine and fresh-baked mince pies!
It was a very festive event and we sang carols at the top of our inebriated lungs! They played everything from The First Noel to Last Christmas by Wham! to All I Want for Christmas is You! It was so much fun!

The event was sooooo crowded that I couldn't get close enough to the musicians to get a photo.

Hubby inhaled a mince pie! I'm not a fan so I obstained.

But I LOVED the mulled wine! I wish I had their recipe!

My favorite part of the evening was singing Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade... it's a truely British Christmas song and I love it! It was really cool to be standing in a huge group of people, outside around the Christmas tree, drinking mulled wine and singing this classic tune! I'm so happy to be here and constantly reminded of how lucky I am to live in such a great city!

After about 2 hours of carols a friend of mine dropped by the pub to join us for drinks. She has come to London from her home in the states with 2 friends to meet up with some of her family members from Romania. It's a central meeting point for them and I was happy she had a little time to catch up with us! She is a girl I know as a friend of friends and she has visited me everywhere I've lived including New York City, Cayman and now London! I owe her a visit soon and will be thinking about planning that in the New Year!
We're hoping to keep it low key for the next few days as we have many preparations for Christmas! My mother-in-law arrives on Tuesday and I want everything to be perfect! We still have some Christmas shopping to do as well! Oh, I just love this time of year!!!

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