
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow... Or at Least in the New Year!

I'm so sick of my hair right now. It's stringy, thin and wimpy at the ends. I think I've had it layered so much that the longest hairs are just sad at the bottoms. We're moving into a New Year and I'm looking to make some changes. I'm getting super pudgy so I'm getting back to dance classes next week and looking to be more active. I'm getting to a more sensible diet since we'll be living nearer to a grocery store where I can get fresh produce. And I need a new haircut... it's time!

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We've been watching Mad Men on dvd and I'm totally in love with January Jones's hairstyle. It's fairly short, but there's so much that can be done with it... it can be straightened, curled or flipped and if done long enough, I could still throw it in a ponytail or put it up. I'm completely in love with Gwyneth Paltrow's angled bob, but I'm not sure my bangs have grown out enough for that. However, if done like January's messy angled bob, I think I could pull it off.

So... thoughts? I'd love to hear your opinions! Thanks in advance!!! xx

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