
New Year's Resolutions for 2011

Well, I can't believe it, but it's already New Years Eve... and with that I'll make my New Year's Resolutions and hope that some of them will stick. I had a look at my resolutions for last year and I haven't done a bad job. Many of them have stuck all year, some stuck until right before we moved to London and well some... didn't make it. Here's my list for this year:

1. Take classes regularly like dance, zumba, yoga, pilates. I'm not limiting myself to taking the same thing all the time because I get bored, but I'd like to try to do something like this at least once or twice a week if not more.

2. Eat healthier. It's been a carb and cholesterol fest here since we moved. With a grocery store next door to our new flat, there is no longer a valid reason for eating frozen chicken kievs and french fries every night for dinner. I feel like this is my resolution every year. To be honest we did pretty well with this until we moved to London and with the move, the diets flew out the window... we've got to get them back. We're both out of shape and rapidly gaining weight.

3. Decorate the new flat and get organized. This is going to be a bit of a challenge as our flat is a bit small, but all of them are in London. We need to take advantage of some organizational tools and invest in a few pieces, but I think we can do it and make it super cute! We were there last night and while it comes with its own challenges, it's gorgeous and in a perfect neighborhood!

4. Get a job. I don't just want any ole job... I'll be able to focus on getting something I could really like, be good at and progress in. I'm excited about this prospect, but I still have a bit of time.

5. Be more active. We have had a tendency in the past to just stay home a lot on evenings and weekends. We've been out and about quite a bit since we moved to London, but I want to avoid the Jan-Feb slump of just sitting around every weekend. I'll be constantly looking for things we can do around London and even outside the city. This will keep us off the couch and moving around as well as get us involved in our new home!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

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