
Pink Julep's Dancing Past and New Developments

You may not know this, but before I was a blogger, I was a performer! I danced, sang and acted for many years and even have a theatre degree from the University of Miami (Florida not Ohio)! I have always preferred dancing to the other two and it's something that I really enjoy! Even when I stopped performing and auditioning, I either taught dance in a studio or took classes after work for fun because it truly is something I enjoy and the only work-out that doesn't bore me to tears. Above is a photo of my drill team in elementary school... there are arrows pointing to me. Like my poofy 80's bangs & pink plastic glasses?

This is a photo from a summerstock theatre where I worked from age 15 to 22. I performed in several shows there, managed the box office there one summer, choreographed a show and even voluteered the summer I went to Europe instead. See me there clogging away?
This is a production of Oklahoma, which was one of my favorites. There was some fun dancing in that show!
I also did several shows in university and a few Off-Off-Broadway shows in New York (which is basically a fancy way of saying community theatre!) and though I don't miss performing, I really miss dancing.
Lately I've been getting a little bored. I have soooo much stuff to do, but none of it is particularly social or fun. I often do housework & Christmas preparations well into the night. Laundry takes forever and I feel like I do it all the time. I do go shopping and whatnot, but I have no real outlet or reason to leave the flat during the week and I've definitely not been interacting with the fine people of London so I've decided...

Image from Google Images
To look into taking some dance classes at the famous Pineapple Dance Studios in Covent Garden! Apparently there's a reality tv show about this studio, but I've never seen it. That's not why I chose this studio either... I have chosen to look into this one because it seems to be the most similar to Steps or Broadway Dance Center, where I took classes in New York. So today I'm heading down to Covent Garden to visit some of the shops and try on dance shoes, maybe pick up some tights and stuff. Dancing is a great way to excercise and when I danced I was in such better shape and so much thinner! Here's hoping this works out and I'll be Skinny Happy Pink Julep again soon! I'm hoping to start with jazz and tap classes and maybe even work my way up to doing hip-hop (which I used to really love) and maybe a ballet conditioning class (great for toning)!
I haven't had a dance class since we moved to Cayman so I'm hoping that 1) I'll be able to still do it 2) I'll be able to walk afterwards and 3) I won't look like a total spazz! I'll definitely keep you posted on the status of this project! What do you do for a work-out?

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