
Weekend Wrap-up... Better Late Than Never

On Friday morning I received a few goodies in the mail! Needless to say, I was very excited to receive my copy of Eclipse! Eeeek!!!

As well as our new DVD player and a few holiday favorites! Obvs we spent Friday night in watching New Moon and Eclipse! Good times!

But before we did all that, I headed down to Covent Garden on Friday morning. I was looking for the studio where I took a dance class when I found this faboosh Rudolph!

And then I found it... and I took my first class on Friday afternoon. I decided my first class should be an all levels jazz class... boy was that a mistake! It was super fun and the teacher was great! She did a routine to Alejandro by Lady Gaga, which of course I loved, but I've been out of it for 3 years, so it was really really HARD!!! I was sore for the rest of the weekend! Like, hobbling like someone's granny... but I'm happy I finished it and that I went! Next time though, I'll try a beginners class until I get those muscles working again and stronger.

On my way back I found one of the Neuro drinks that Pretty in Pink Megan in always talking about.
I haven't tried it yet, but once I do, I'll let you know what I think.

On Saturday morning, hubby wanted to do some Christmas shopping and hang out somewhere in London. Since he's never been to Covent Garden before, I suggested we go there. They had reindeer out that children could feed and it was very crowded, not to mention festive!

There were loads of performers scattered around! The one thing I have noticed about London... all the street performers I've seen so far are actually really good. I wonder if they're required to audition before putting their hats out for change... I'm always giving them my money cause they're all sooooo good!
There was a model trapsing around with 2 photogs following her. Not sure what was going on... she was kinda scary looking.

Work it girl!

After we tired of Covent Garden we went over to Leicester Square to check it out... not too much going on there unless you like casinos... there are restaurants, bars and theatres, but it's kind of like Times Square and not really my scene. Everyone was dressed up as Santa... weird.

We weren't sure why they were doing that... student protests or charity event?

None-the-less they were all drunk and started getting messy after a while! So we headed home and ended our Saturday night with a pint in our local. Sunday we stayed home and watched Christmas movies all day long. It was a great weekend!!!

I'm a busy bee with preparations for Christmas! My mother-in-law is coming 1 week from today and there's so much to do! I hope to move a lot of our stuff over to the new flat this weekend before she arrives and I need to finish my Christmas shopping! So much excitement going on! We're having dinner here for Christmas so I'll be doing the cooking! Where do you plan to spend Christmas?

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