
Alphabet Art Loveliness

We moved last summer, and much of the art in our previous home didn't make the cut.  I am currently obsessing over getting some of these
bare walls filled in.

I have been coveting these beautiful works of art since first
 seeing them last spring.


Have you seen these?
You can get customized art, any word you like, at their site and they will frame it and ship it out to you.

I showed the kids and for a half an hour they took turns seeing all the ways that their names could be done.  

Check it out here.

So I found some of these in canvas form at Winners - yah Winners, you never know what you'll find there...

Then I went to the Barrie Christmas Show at the Molson Centre and guess who had a booth? I bought the calendar and decided to frame some of the pages.

Then I found two more words at Winners and cut myself off - I have been known to go overboard on occasion! 

So we ended up with two canvases, two drymounted posters, and three framed calendar pages.

I played around with them on the floor and we hung them in a somewhat symetrical arrangement. I love symmetry, but am trying to break away from it in every room.  This is the only full wall in our dining room, so we wanted something of interest - what do you think?

They will look much better once we have painted this room a warm white color.  The kitchen, halls and great room are all this cold, concrete grey right now (previous owners) and I have finally chosen paint so I wiil post again after we have painted and you can see the difference.

Now we just need to keep working on art for the rest of the house :)

till next time..

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