
Just because I'm curious...

I have a question for all of you blogging-ladies out there!

What do you do for a living?

Where do you work (you don't have to share the name), what position do you have? What did you get your degrees in?

Do you work in an office? At home? Travel?

Do you like what you do?

What was the path like to your job? Did you start in the business or field you're in now? Or did you make a big career change?

When you chose your career or job, what were the deciding factors? I mean, what was important to you in making the decision.. having a family? Getting to the top? Being your own boss?

Depending on how long you've been reading the life and times of little old Vineyard Vogue, you may remember me blogging about the different majors I tried during college. You may also remember my brainstorming and changing of career-paths in the last year. I am always wondering where I will take myself at the career-level and I'm curious as to how others decided on the field that they are in. Sometimes I will hear about jobs totally un-related to my field of Human Resource Management and think, "Wow, that sounds like such a great job!"

I know, very random post.. but I'm really curious and invite any and all of you to please share! :-)

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