
Lesson Learned

This one is kind of long..

Ok, so Monday night I was SUPPOSED to go to kickboxing. Well, I didn't make it, but STILL got a work-out. How, you ask? Well read further if you'd like to know..

At around 7:30 I picked up my girlfriend for our usual kickboxing class. We pull out onto a main road through our town, and are on our merry way. Now, its been icy and snowy lately and the roads have been pretty slippery so you can imagine why, as my car began to feel as though it was slipping or my tires were spinning, I just assumed it was the ice on the road. As I was making the comment that the roads were pretty slippery, I looked down at my gas gauge. Yes, I'm on E.. that is a regular occurance for me as I ALWAYS wait until the last possible minute to fill my tank. (I HATE pumping gas!) And, up until now, I thought I had a pretty good system and just "knew" when I was getting close to the last drops of gas. I'm sure you all see where this is leading...

Well, sure enough, I WAS OUT OF GAS!! My car STALLED in the middle of the road. And by the "middle" of the road, I mean the turning lane for the cars on the ONCOMING traffic side of the street. To make a long story short, after a few failed attempts (obviously) at getting the engine to start and even more failed attempts to get through to my fiance on his phone (thank you tv-room surround sound!), we quickly realized our exercise tonight would consist of a freezing cold jog to the gas station about a half mile up the road. So, we got out of the car, and proceeded to run through a 1 foot layer of snow-covered sidewalk.. in snow boots.. and hand wraps..

Got to gas station, purchased a small gas can, filled it up and ran back through the 1 foot layer of snow.. in snow boots.. and hand wraps.. AND to make us look even less sketchy (ha!) a LEAKING GAS CAN! Apparently we didn't screw the top on correctly.. but that's the least of our problems.. Because, once we arrived back at the car (I could no longer feel my hands and I'm not joking), we spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get the lid off of the gas can. FINALLY, a very nice older man stopped to help us. Well, he couldn't get the lid off either. By now we are laughing hysterically, because its either that or cry!

Our saving grace was a police man that pulled up. He asked us what we needed help with and we explained our predicament. He replied with an "Oh, that?? Let me see it!" So we hand him the gas can and without even flinching he removes the "child/girl/rest of the general public-proof" lid. Are-you-serious? They must train them for things like that because I promise that lid was NOT coming off any time soon!

So, at around the time our kickboxing class would have been over, we were back into the car and driving to the gas station to fill up, with me vowing the whole way that my car will never see below a quarter tank again.. EVER!

As I strolled in our door at the same time I usually do after kickboxing, L asked how class was? I walk into the TV room and say, laughing "Doesn't even look like I broke a sweat, huh?" He looks at me, puzzled, and says "Yeah you're right.. how did you do that?" Oh, honey.. if you only knew! I told him the story and we laughed for a long time.

Lesson learned.

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