
My Birthday!!

January 8, 2009: Happy Birthday Katie and Elvis! So, the big day. It was so much fun! I love birthdays! My comes especially close to Christmas so I always find myself looking for things to ask for and usually I come up empty-handed. This year was one of those years. My mom literally ran down the list:
"Not that I can think of."
"Not really."
"No, Christmas is such a problem with January birthdays..."
And it continued like that throughout our dinner conversation.

So my birthday morning came and went, it was a Thursday. Nothing particularly exciting that morning. When I got to school, Emmy, one of my friends gave me a little note and told me that she was going to take me out to lunch someday when our schedules didn't conflict. Meredith, another friend of mine, came up to me and handed me a pan full of brownies, not a bad gift at all! The day continued similarly, and a fellow January 8th-er and I had an unofficial competition that whenever we saw one another we had to yell "Happy Birthday" first. (We tied.) Last period of the day, my anatomy and physiology class enjoyed some very preppy cupcakes (decorated with a "princess" kit from Williams and Sonoma.

When I got home, I walked into the house to see our living room table covered in wrapped gifts, gift bags, and colorful cards. I opened everything and was very happy with what I got.My dad typed up this big long letter that was so sweet all about me growing up and whatnot. I can't wait to reread it on my own time. My parents gave me a beautiful necklace, like nothing I own, from Tiffany's. The "Elsa Peretti Open Wave Lariat" was what they picked out. Now, I'm sure if my mom is reading this, she'll be unhappy that I now know the price, but mom, I tried not to look!!! I promise!! Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I also got Lilly PJ's that I've worn every night since I got them and they're in the "Animal Crackers" print that is one of my favorites of the PJ line. We also switched to verizon wireless, which my sister and I were DYING to switch to. All of our friends have it and we formerly had T-Mobile, and no one would ever text us! So I got a "LG Dare" when we went to verizon. I got a Coach bracelet from my aunt and it's red and has pink C's all over it, which I love because my real name is Catherine! I hope that everyone has fabulous birthdays from here on in, in the New Year!

PS: is having a sale on Lilly sunglasses. I mean slashed prices, even on the polarized ones! Jump on that while they're still there! My advice is going for the Dylan's and Manda's and Calista's and Randi's!


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