
Resolution Week: Number 4, The Great Clean Out

It seems that we all have a one-track mind right now, 
and that collective brain is saying one thing:


Is it a reaction to clearing away the cutter of the holidays,
 or maybe trying to find spots for all our newest treasures?
I'm not sure, but I have got the bug!

It always motivates me to finish a project once I post about it here,
 and so I have got a little proposal for you:

how about we all pick a space and clean it out?

It can be something a s simple as a junk drawer (I can't close mine these days!)
a closet, even a room if you are super-motivated!
I will post links to all your organization triumphs here in The Great Clean Out.

 If you have a blog, I am inviting you to send me a before and after pic by Friday January 21,
 and we will all post together on Monday January 24.
If you don't have a blog, but would like to join in, just send me a before and after pic
( by Friday, Jan 21 and I will post it here for you..

I know we are all busy, but I hope that you will join us for a little pre-spring cleaning.
I've sent out a few invites already and have at least four fabulous bloggers
 lined up to share their organizing stories with you-
 I think we are all going to come out of this with some really great ideas for our homes!

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source 1 2 3 4


So looking forward to seeing all of your spaces!
Several spots here need "the treatment" - my closet, the hall closet, my office -
I'm going to get started this weekend (the clear out phase), taking trips to the Salvation Army...
and trying my best not to bring anything home :)

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