
1 Month!

One month from today, I will be moving into my dorm at USC! I found out my suitemate today and both girls seems awesome! Not the scary worst nightmares I had been worrying about!! Yay! I did some more dorm shopping, including my computer! Apple has this great deal if you show a student ID you get $50-$100 off a computer, a free (after rebate) iPod touch, and a free (after rebate) printer! I am so so so excited! Its getting closer!! I can't believe it! 

On another note, I'm going to rush in the fall. I'm super excited and there are so many sorority choices at USC that its crazy. They have the most ridiculous houses for sororities and fraternities. They are unbelievable. I've heard a lot about which ones to join (and not to join) and I think I have some ideas, but does anyone have advice? Its very early, but I'd rather go into the whole thing with a plan and know a little about it before it gets crazy. Believe it or not it begins the first day of school!

I can't believe its only 1 month away. Let the real countdown begin!



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