

Well, I ordered some Jacks from a little while ago, maybe a week. is the shoe website associated with Old Navy, Gap, and Banana Republic. It has a great selection of all kinds of shoes ranging from affordable to eeeeeexxxxpensive. Anywho, I recently got $50 in giftcards to both Gap and Old Navy for Christmas and didn't exactly find anything. I remembered from prom that I had used a Gap gift card on my clutch from piperlime and it worked out beautifully.

I picked out a pair of black Jacks to get thinking that they would be very practical, wearable, and comfortable after a few wears. Well, for $1.67 out of pocket, I'd buy just about anything. The price plus tax and shipping came out to be $101.67, as I remember. So technically, I got a brand spankin' new pair of Jack Rogers for $1.67, that's less than what I would have gotten with my store discount!!

Moving on, they arrived today, and I was very happy! I open up the green and brown box to see my shoe box. I open up that box to see my new sandals, only to be made even happier. Not only were these the sandals that I had ordered, BUT they ended up being black leather with patent black "lacing"! I was super excited because these were the ones I was looking for, but had previously thought that I had come up empty-handed. So, I got my black matte-black patent Jack Rogers for $1.67. What more can a preppy girl ask for?

Plus, today I finally got my hair highlighted. It had been long overdue, and with my birthday looming, when else?! Anyway, it's now more blond and my mom approves so I was happy!

Plus Plus, day 6 of my New Year's resolution is going well. I am planning away and have all of my homework, tests, quizzes, school events, and games all consolidated into one place. Finally, I think I might be getting good at this! Hope everyone is enjoying the new year!


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