
New Year's Resolutions!

Ok, so I got a late start on my resolutions. I will blame that on coming down with the flu January 2nd! I'm a week behind, but that's okay.. I still have 358 days to follow my newly set goals! :-)

1. Stick to my new workout schedule! I know, almost everyone does this, every year. But, I am happy to say that I found a workout that I really enjoy and that I have seen fast results with: My kickboxing class! I started going at the end of last summer. I noticed a big difference in how I felt and how my clothes were fitting. Well, I got a little lazy and stopped going regularly when Thanksgiving rolled around (ooo perfect timing). I'm back on track now though, and will be going to two classes per week! In addition, I will run two days a week, and would love to start doing yoga a couple of mornings per week.

2. No fast food.. for the most part. I've realized that you have to be reasonable with yourself when setting goals/resolutions like this. I think fast food is reeeeally bad for you. But, I also know that sometimes you have no other choice.. and by that I mean, you're having a crummy day, and you swear that cheeseburger on the McDonald's billboard you just drove by winked at you! So, I am limited to ONE free pass per month! (When you're only allowing it once a month, chances are you won't even want it anymore anyway!) Disclaimer- I am a firm believer that Subway is NOT fast food, but its not the healthiest thing either. Its usually a go-to lunch place for me a couple of times a week at work, so I'd like to add packing my lunch more often to my resolutions too!

3. Find a church that we really love and start going atleast twice a month. I know, being busy shouldn't be an excuse, but we are busy. And, L works at the hospital every other weekend and his schedule during the week varies from week to week. We are both Christian and have firm relationships with God, but we would really like to join a church in the area for the worship, community, and fellowship.

4. Start trying a new recipe atleast once every week. This is what I'm going to aim for, but hopefully I'll try something new more than once a week. My collection of cookbooks is growing steadily and I really want to start adding more favorites to the repertoire. I think one of L's resolutions will be "start EATING atleast one new recipe a week" ;-)

5. Find more local charities and try to volunteer once a month. I think its so important to give to others who are in need. This was a big part of my life in college and in my sorority, and I would love to find some organizations nearby or in the city that L and I can volunteer at together.

The rest is to be happy and healthy, laugh and love, and to cherish and be thankful for every moment God has given me in this life :-)
And one more thing..
Marry the Love of my Life! :-)

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