
Do you have to be a Mom...

Do you have to be a Mom to have a MomAgenda?

I just ordered one of these beauties. Yes, I am aware that you can purchase a myAgenda instead of a MomAgenda if you are sans baby. But, I've had my eye on the moccaccino myAgenda for a little while now and they have been sold out. So, I thought how much different can the MomAgenda be? It will still allow me to have a super organized day, week, month and year. Being a wife requires lots of organization too you know! Grocery lists, dinner plans, trips! Not to mention being a wife AND in school AND trying to start an independent business. Plus, someday not so far off I will become a Mom, and once I'm a Mom, I always will be. I'll still want my planner then too, won't I? Well, then. I think I need a MomAgenda :o)

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