
Oh William, I Am Trying...

So I aspire to live by the quote.  You know the one. 
"Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
                                                                              - William Morris
I guess the problem is that many things are useful, really, 
and I find many, many things beautiful!

I have resolved to get my Office super-organized and streamlined this month.
It all started with the computer. It died. Apparently I somehow acquired 121 viruses including a nasty trojan horse which struck the final blow.  So off we went to Future Shop, determined to get a great deal on a little laptop - and home we came, with a new IMac.  It is truly a thing of beauty, this computer, and when I placed it ever-so-gently onto my desk everything else started to look a little, well, junky. The clear-out began. So far, this is as far as we have gotten.

The shelves are Lack, Ikea. The were here when we moved in, in another room where they didn't work, but they are lovely for my decorating books - which I rotate, there is quite a few!  The desk is an oldie, it really needs to be refinished, but it is the perfect height, has great storage and i love its simple lines and large top.  I think I may just get a piece of glass cut for the top and place some nice fabric under it for now. The bulletin board came from our previous homes kitchen, and although I like the functionality of it it always ends up full of kids pictures! 
I really need some file storage on top of my desk, and I am liking this lacquered set from West Elm. 

Lacquer Office

The upside of this organizing mania is that now I have actually organized all last years files, and went to Staples to find storage. The have all kinds of fantastic recycled paper products now.
I got file folders, a new accordion file, and some larger legal boxes for all my older files.  I'm happy they're recycled, and I actually love the colour, so its win-win buying the basics.

For Storage that stays in my office, I'm going to get these Ikea boxes in light mossy green. There will be a narrow console table under those lack shelves shortly, once I find one with a shelf to hold these guys.

I also really like these little bone boxes that west elm has for small storage on the desk.

I am torn between getting the green magazine holders from Ikea or something a little more sleek, like this one from Umbra

I always seem to have small papers on my desk, quick ideas I have a jotted down, and friends email address that needs entering, how about this funky standing clip from Anthropologie?

 It satisfies my current obsession with simple metal objects that look like they came from the depression era.  An industrial vibe.

And, of course, a rock!  A crystal, actually.  I seem to have some kind of rock in every room in the house!  Well, every office needs a paperweight, right?

As for the walls, I have a plan for all those inspiration bits and pieces that are about.  I have picked up a couple packs of wall decals that are picture frames.  Now, sometimes wall decals are great, like in a kids room, and sometimes they're not, like alot of other places.  I am going to grab a large canvas from Michaels, and create a collage using the frames.  This will give a very random assortment of eye candy some kind of organization, and flow.

That will go on this wall, so I can see it from my desk.

I would like the corkboard over my desk to take on the role of art/function, somehow this will incorperate a perpetual calendar something like this

Once it is all done, I will post pics!
Next post I will be featuring home offices that I love, do you have some that you would like to contribute?  What do you like in a home office?  Dark and wood, light and white, tons of books and mementos or sleek and minimalist?  Send me your favourites!

till next time...

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