Healthy Wife, Healthy Life

Here we are, in the middle of another week! I can't believe how fast these first few weeks of 2010 have flown by! Is it just me or does time move faster, the older we get?

Anyway, its Wednesday, so its time for a Healthy Wife, Healthy Life update! Lance and I have been on a little bit of a soup kick this week. I'm planning to make a Homemade Chicken noodle or chicken and dumplings soup recipe by the end of the week. I want to be able to make an organic version and try my hand at making my own dumplings! I found a pretty easy dumpling recipe in one of my cookbooks, and thought I'd give it a try! Once I make it, I'll post about it.

I've started tracking my calorie intake using the Lose It! application on my iPhone. Its a really easy program that allows you to set weight loss goals and healthy eating goals and sets you up with a plan for losing 1, 1.5, or 2 pounds per week. I'm really only a few pounds from what I know is my comfy-weight, so its perfect for that! Plus, it keeps me accountable so that I don't go overboard on the carbs and sweets (my two big weaknesses!).

(*This is not my Lose It! page - just a random clip I found on google images!*)

Speaking of my "comfy-weight", I know I'm not overweight whatsoever. I have a pretty slim build genetically, and I'm able to stay trim with exercise. However, I have a problem area and its my belly. 75% of the year, its hidden, so when I talk about my "comfy-weight" people may roll their eyes and think I need to chill out. But really, I carry a little extra in the middle, and it has always made me uncomfortable in bikinis and in tight fitting clothes when the waist band is a little snug. I will say that when I was at my most fit right around my wedding, the kickboxing had done wonders in flattening that all out. I want to get back there again! When I say I'm about 5 -6 pounds from my comfy weight, I know those extra pounds are being carried mostly in that area, so that is where I'm trying to cut the cals!

There is something else I wanted to talk about this week. I think this can be a controversial topic so before I go into it I just want to say that in no way, shape, or form do I think any less of anyone who does not agree with the way I feel or chooses to live their life differently from mine. I'm definitely not here to preach that its my way or the highway!

With that being said, Lance and I watched a documentary a couple of months ago called Food, Inc. For those of you who have not seen it, it is a film that was put together to uncover some of the horrors of the food industry in our country. I'm not going to go into too much detail (you can learn more here), but I have a really big problem with where a lot of "food" comes from these days.

Lance and I were both disturbed and inspired by what we saw in this film and have decided to make more of an effort to eat organically, naturally, and locally when it comes to meat, dairy, fruits, and veggies. We have been drinking organic milk for a looong time, and I started opting for organic choices when I could while I was in college. Sure, its more expensive, which can make you second guess the $4 gallon of milk versus the $1.50 gallon. But in the long run, you're doing your body a huuuge favor. While on the topic of organic milk, let me just add that I think it tastes better and get this... it lasts much longer! In addition, we are thinking of joining a CSA nearby. I'm just learning about CSA's, but essentially it is a relationship between a consumer and a local farm where you invest in a share of the year's vegetable crop. Every (or every other) week you get a basket of the veggies that are in season. Not only is it a great way to support your local farmers, but you know EXACTLY where the food came from and (for those that love to cook, like me!) you get all kinds of veggies that you normally would not find or purchase at the supermarket, and you get to learn new recipes for how to prepare them :o)

With all of that being said.. Yes, there are going to be times when we go out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and nothing on the menu is local or organic. That's okay. There are some things we love to buy from the grocery store that are in no way, shape, or form organic. (ie: 100 calorie pack chocolate covered pretzels!) That's okay. We aren't turning into food-snobs or completely changing our lifestyle. We are just choosing to make better food choices whenever we can, while still allowing ourselves to enjoy our love of food! Make sense?

It feels good to know that the food you're eating and preparing for your family (or just your husband!) is free of chemicals, additives, hormones, and other things that have no business there. I encourage everyone to at least check out what types of local, organic, and natural options you have nearby. If you're interested to learn more, rent the documentary or visit the website. They list many other resources to learn more about our food industry.

Alright, that's all for today! Here's to another healthy week!


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