The Mad Party

Just realized I didn't post pics of the Coco's mad birthday party in Dec!
We had 15 kids to the house.

The calm before the storm :)

I put the houses together beforehand - I ended up buying kits at Bulk Barn.
The two trial houses I made from scratch took an afternoon and an entire recipe of dough.
Each little darling had their own icing and cup of candy, 
but the fruit loops, marshmallows, and cookies were a free-for-all -
this worked really well.

It was interesting to watch - 
some kids eating as much candy as possible :)
some kids blissfully slapping it all over their house randomly
and some kids meticulously adding each drop of icing and candy.

I sifted icing sugar over the roof of each for snow before they went home.

Then they went tobogganing out back to burn off the sugar!

Coco came up with cupcake idea, and decorated each snowman herself.

Seven years old - how did that happen?
She's my baby.

At the very end of the party, Natasha and another older guest "judged"all the houses,
We had wrapped up more candy (those parents love me!) as prizes,
and every child received an award.
Best use of Hard Candy, Best Roof, Best Use of Color - they were so creative!
We cheered for each winner, and they went home on a high, 
telling their parents what they had won - priceless.

Wonder what Coco will dream up next year?


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