Sunday :-)

Thank you all for the very sweet birthday and well wishes yesterday :-) Definitely made me smile amidst feeling like yuck! I am happy to report that both L and I are feeling muuuch better today. Still have the head cold part of it, but the body aches, sneezing every 2 minutes, and inability to get off the couch are GONE! :-)

I'm happy to be feeling better today so that I can get organized for getting back into the swing of things tomorrow. I go back to work after a 2 week vacation (always go by tooooo fast!), and one of my online grad classes will begin. Its also back to kickboxing tomorrow. I haven't been following my normal schedule because of the business of the holidays and such, so no excuses anymore!

I also have quite a bit on my to-do list for the wedding! Look for a wedding post soon!

I would also like to take this time to apologize to my Terrifed of Fish ladies! With all of the excitement of getting engaged, then the holidays, it completely fell off of my radar!! I have one more fish dish to complete and then you all will be receiving a fun little cooking gift from me thanking you for your help in my quest to master (haha) the art of preparing fish! I promise to do dish #4 in the next week! Thanks again girls!

Alright, back to doing things around the house before dinner :-)


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