Monday Mix-Up

Happy Monday everyone! Here is a little Monday-Mix of what is happening in my life!
  • Chessie is home from the breeder! My Dad picked her up yesterday after two weeks at a Golden Retriever breeder in Mid-Michigan. Now we wait "patiently" for signs that she has puppies on the way. I'm so excited.. we're are closer to our first little addition to our family :o
  • I accepted an offer on a new job on Friday! It happened really fast. I had my screening interview in the morning and the HR director immediately passed my resume along to the principal at the hiring school. He called me 15 minutes later, I met with him and a group of administrators and they offered me the position! I am so, so excited! Sure, unemployment has its perks when you're a full time grad student. But I was definitely getting a little stir-crazy and this position is going to be such great experience for my field! I'll be working in a school so close to home and the staff is just awesome. After the pertinent paperwork has been completed and processed, I'll be starting. Could be as early as tomorrow, but probably a little later in the week.
  • I'm excited for a little getaway this weekend. Lance has a hockey tournament Up North so we're going to be out of town for the weekend. My best friend and his best friend are also a couple and he plays on the same hockey team so it will be a great weekend spent with friends, too!
  • We're closer to being finished with our side-entry project. I thought we might be able to finish last week, but I think I got a little ahead of myself. The painting is finished, the flooring has been selected, and I've already hung a little bit of the new wall decor. When we're all set, I'll post some photos of the change!
  • I'm on a mission to find some new bathing suits this week! We're going to Florida in less than a month and I'm finding myself in the same position I am every year- sick of "last summer's" bathing suits. I'm really picky too, so this should be fun.
That's all I've got for today! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day :o)


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