11-20 Things About Me!

Although I wrote 6 random things earlier on my tagged entry, as promised, here are 10 more things to add to my "100 Things About Me!"

11. I work at a tennis club, but only for a little while longer since I'm graduating :-)

12. When I was in fourth grade, I met Bill Clinton when he came to visit our town. I remember standing with my class on the side of the railroad tracks to wave goodbye to him as he left. However, it didn't make a democrat out of me.

13. My uncle dated Madonna in high school. My dad, and other aunts and uncles have lots of really cool stories about her. For one, she told my dad he was a "boring sleeper" when he woke up to her standing in the doorway watching him sleep. She was always a little different I guess, haha.

14. My elementary school was on a little bit of a different schedule than others and every 7 weeks we would have a week off. I would spend the weeks off with my grandparents. My grandma, who was a nurse at my grandfather's vascular surgery practice, would take me to my grandpa's office twice during that week. I would sit at the waiting room desk with the other nurses and pretend I was one too. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. That was just one of the highlights of weeks spent at grandma and grandpa's, including taking care of the horses and chickens with my grandma, picking apples from the apple trees, helping grandma (who is a certified master gardener) in her amazing gardens, swimming or ice skating on the pond, going to market at 6am on Saturday mornings, and so many other things that make me smile to think about them :-)

15. I met and fell in love with my boyfriend in high school. 8 years later, our relationship has evolved into a very special, very deep, and more mature one. He's my best friend and the love of my life!

16. I have set a goal for myself to run a half marathon in the next couple of years.

17. Cooking makes me happy!

18. When I was 20, I touched a real-life aligator in the wild. L and I took at trip to New Orleans, where we went on an air-boat tour through the bayous. We fed marshmellows (as instructed by our tour-guide!) to the aligators and as they swam up next to the boat, we could reach out and "pet" them.. quickly. It was pretty cool!

19. I have made apple sauce & maple syrup from scratch. With the help of grandma & grandpa of course!

20. My family has been vacationing in the Florida Keys my whole life.. and its one of my absolute favorite places to be!

Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me today! :-)


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