Entering the homestretch...

Well, the end of the week is here, which means after this weekend, I will be in the homestretch of my last week as a college undergrad. Wow. I never thought I would say that. I mean, of course I knew I would graduate from college, but it always seemed so far away. To be able to say that next weekend I will be done with college is very surreal. But, I am SOOOO excited!! A new chapter of life is going to begin, and I couldn't be more happy about it :) I will be finding my way into a career, working toward more long-term goals, and just being a "grown-up."

This weekend is my sorority's "Senior Wills" night and our end of the year banquet. For senior wills, us seniors pass down a lot of our sorority stuff that we will not have any use for as alumni. After the passing down is over, we celebrate at a local venue that we rent out entirely with our active members, alumni, and other friends. Then, on Sunday, we have the end of the year banquet that our parents and siblings attend to kind of recap the year, give thanks to our parents for being so wonderful, install some of the new officers, and have our alumni ceremony. I will be doing half of the "State of the Chapter" address since I was President up until Winter semester. I'll get to be President again for 5 minutes! :)

Monday is my very last day of classes. Finals are on Wednesday and Friday. Commencement is on Sunday. Phew. Its really here!

Alright, well with all of this end of the year talk, I am reminded that I have LOTS and LOTS of studying to do. Ciao!


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