Happy April!

April is here and I'm finally in the homestretch of school! Just think, this time next month, I will be a COLLEGE GRADUATE! :-) So beyond excited!

I have the day off today. It will be spent running around doing things for the basement project and studying for an exam I have tomorrow. I also have several phone calls to make and some grocery shopping to do.


I left off writing this to run the errands, and we just got back. Waiting for us when we returned home was the wall hanging from Pottery Barn!! Wow, that was fast. We just ordered it on Thursday. We sure are making project progress today because the carpet company should be here any minute to measure the basement. Then we will set our appointment for installation :-) We're moving right along!

I'll leave off with a recipe from "Everyday Italian" that I am going to try this week. Its called Eggplant Timbale.

Yum Yum!


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