I Survived My First Tracy Anderson Method Dvd! (Barely)

Yesterday was the first day of my new workout plan! I decided I would do Tracy Anderson's Mat Workout dvd first because it seemed like the easiest....

IT IS VERY VERY HARD!!! But, I plan to stick with it. It makes sense. I can see how the results come along if you're able to work up to it! However, she recommends the mat workout in addition to one of her cardio dvds 4 to 6 times a week. It's going to be very intense, but I'm going to try to work up to it. I'm just dying to be a skinny fit hottie!

I decided to do an experiment... I let hubs do the warm-up and then challenged him to try the 2 arms sections. One section is no weights and the other uses weights of 3 lbs or less (ours are 2.5 lbs.). I thought since he's in such great shape and so strong that he'd get through them no problem... It turns out that I got through more than he did.

INCENTIVE: 1. Hubs has said that if I can complete the arms sections by the end of August, he'll buy me a Coach bag!!! 2. Hubs said if I get through all of these dvds and find it successful for being, looking and feeling the way I like, he'll subscribe me to the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis program. 3. Hubs treated me to a cute pair of black & pink New Balance cross-trainers and a cute new sports bra to get me excited in the short term!

Please note, my husband does not think I'm a fat arse. I asked him as a challenge, "What will ya give me?" questions to build my own incentives and motivation!

Here is a preview of the Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout that I tried yesterday:

Though I'm guessing that I only completed about 1/3 of the workout yesterday, I feel like someone ran me over with a truck. I also went to bed earlier than I have in a long time last night, slept an hour longer this morning, and felt like it took almost everything I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. My muscles are tired, sore and tight... it must be working!

How on earth am I supposed to get through mat and cardio today? I suppose it might help if I post that famous Gwenyth Paltrow bikini shot on my mantel for body shape inspiration?

Thanks to all who have left me lovely encouraging comments on my diet and exercise! It's going well and I appreciate the support! I hope you're all having a great week!

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