
Whew.. things have been sooooo busy! I feel like I have been going non-stop since sometime last week. This past weekend was wonderful.. my last weekend as an active in my sorority. Senior wills was very fun but filled with tears! As was our end of the year banquet. I truly love those girls and I will miss them like crazy. Of course my closer group of sorority sisters will stay in touch over the years, but I will definitely miss all of the wonderful things that made sorority life the special thing that it is!

On to other things. I have two finals left. One online and one on Friday morning. Commencement is Sunday, and then its GOODBYE COLLEGE! How weird it is to finally be actually saying that.

Depsite the craziness, I did find time yesterday afternoon to make it to see my hairstylist. Originally I was going to do a trim and color, but decided against color today (for lack of time, eeek!) and ended up getting a "healthy old haircut" in the words of my stylist. So, he cut about 4 inches off and I love it! It looks so healthy and has a nice little shape and style to it. In fact, my inspiration was this photo of J. Simpson, and the cut looks just like it, just a liiittle bit longer..

I will be going back in the next couple of weeks to do color. I often dye it to a darker brunette than it is. I do an all-over base color that I've always been really happy with. It ends up gradually lightening to the brown I am right now, but its low maintenance since I never have roots!

More later.. gotta go to work!


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