
It is soooo nice to have a day with nothing to do! :-) I forgot what this felt like since the last 4 months were so busy!! Seriously, that whole semester was so jam packed that I didn't even get a break on weekends most weeks. I am thoroughly enjoying the free time. I'm also using it to get a lot done around here. I have been spring cleaning and purging since I woke up and continued chipping away at my ginormous clothing collection. We have quite a bit of stuff to get rid of. Ever since L bought this house, we have been talking about having a garage sale. For some reason, every year we didn't get around to it.. most likely because I was still at school and it was hard to plan to sell our stuff when I was living in a completely different place. Well, yesterday at work I was surfing the internet and got the bright idea to check our town's homepage for information on the city-wide garage sale they do every spring. Much to my suprise (and delight!) this year's is in two weeks!! L works that entire weekend, but with the help of my sisters, we are going to FINALLY have the garage sale! I've never done one before.. anyone have any tips on making it successful? I'm really looking forward to getting rid of and making some extra money on a lot of things that we don't need now that we're out of college and such. Yay!

Well, I'll leave you with something that I'm really looking forward to! We're going to West Point at the end of the month for L's brother's graduation. It is one of the most beautiful places, and I cannot wait to be there in Spring! :-) Here are some photos from our trip there last fall...

So much history, and in such a beautiful part of the country :-)


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