Happy Friday

Well, it has definitely been quite a week. Last weekend was wonderful and I spent all of Sunday at my grandparent's doing wedding planning. But, the weekend was definitely met with a sad end when we heard the news about out family friend. We are really, really going to miss him, and its going to take a lot of time and help from loved ones for my Aunt to get through this, but these are the times when the importance of faith and family really make the difference. I know that with our family's love and the faith that God has a perfect plan and will take care of all of his children, my Aunt and her family will come through. I want to thank all of you for your kind words and prayers. It truly means a lot.

I am happy for another weekend to be here. L and I have been very busy lately on top of working and it is so nice to have a break. Tomorrow morning we are going to finish our registries. My bridal shower invitations are being sent out this weekend, for my shower on August 1st. My mom, L's mom, and my step-mom are hosting it and I am really excited for it! All of the women from both of our families will be there all together. It'll be so much fun! As for the remainder of the weekend, I'm planning to do some planting in our backyard. L put up our new hammock and we hung three big beautiful hanging baskets yesterday. We also set up our patio furniture and got the planters ready for some flowers! It already looks great and will be even more beautiful once we get more flowers in. I am still also hoping to be able to get a small garden started this summer. We have a space in the back of the yard perfect for it, so now all we need is some time to get it going! Who knows, maybe in my next posts I will have photos of a new, little garden :o)

I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!

PS- For those of you who entered or would still like to enter the 200th Post Cook Book Giveaway, I will take entries until Sunday night and post a winner on Tuesday evening! Good luck!


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