Interview with Fifi O'Neill, editor of Romantic Homes magazine

Hello everyone!
I hope you're doing fine.
Salve a tutti
spero che stiate bene.

Today I'm guesting a very special woman
Oggi ospito una donna davvero speciale

She's a writer, stylist, photographer and editor
to one of the most famous magazine of interiors
E' una scrittrice, stilista e editor
di una delle riviste più famose di interiors

Romantic Country

Please welcome

Fifi O'Neill

Fifi was very kind  to accept a little interview in my blog-
she was very lovely and generous,
speaking to her was a great honour for me
and a delightful experience.
Fifi è stata molto gentile nell'accettare di essere intervistata da me-
molto carina e disponibile,
parlare con lei è stato un grande onore per me
e un'esperienza molto piacevole.

Thank you Fifi!!

Fifi lives in a 1920 fisherman cottage, in Florida
She talks about home, works and future projects
Fifi vive in un cotatge di pescatori del 1920 in Florida
Ci racconta della sua casa, lavoro e progetti futuri.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Paris, France

What made you decide to move to Florida?

After moving from Paris to Lausanne, Switzerland where I worked for a newspaper (the Lausanne Tribune) for 2 years, I moved to Canada. Got married to a Canadian, had 2 boys. Got divorced after 14 years and remarried to an American and moved to Baltimore, Maryland

{Chic Shack}

How your French background affects your work and style?

I always like the simpler look of the French Country style and grew up surrounded by it.

How would you describe your style?

Though I can appreciate the beauty of delicate antiques I prefer the simplicity of more rustic furniture. The kind that shows the patina of time, comfort, and the long-cherished ideals of natural beauty, simplicity, and harmony with the earth. It's gentle but strong, welcoming and lasting, and real.

{i'm crazy for Fifi kitchen, aren't you??}

What inspires you in your decorating job?

The diversity of designs, the rich and deep pleasures of creating something unique from scratch, the softer side of rustic and rugged with the union of delicate and elegant, the spontaneous acceptance of lack of pretensions, and the simplicity of purpose.

What attracts you in homes you choose to work for?

Diversity of styles and homes with personality.

Is there any interior designer who inspires you?

I love Christina Strutt's Cabbages & Roses softly rustic work ( and Carolyne Quartemaine's beautiful colors (

You live in a fisherman cottage… how did you know it was the perfect house?

I knew it was the right house because I love small older homes and it's surrounded by hundred-year old oak trees. I was also attracted to the fact that although only 900 square feet (about 90 square meters) the rooms have lots of windows and high ceilings so it doesn't feel closed in.

What challenges did it present to become the house you had in mind?

It needed a lot of cosmetic work (repainting all the rooms), and the bathroom and kitchen had to be updated.

Which is your advice to make a house a comfortable home?

Only surround your self with things that say "home" to you, whatever the style, it's your home, your taste.

What are the tips to create a romantic home?

Keep the look simple, the colors soft, and always have candles and fresh flowers.

How did you start your amazing job?

I started by working for newspapers then went on to magazines. I have been doing this for over 20 years.

How did you come up with your wonderful and inspirational magazines?

Just wanted to share ideas and beautiful homes and approach several magazines with the concept I had. It was a long road.

I read on your blog about some projects concerning Italy….can you reveal us some more?

Yes, I am working closely with an Italian publisher in Rome. I am supplying them with articles and photos of homes in America.

Do you like working with Italian people?

I love working with them. They are very kind and produce beautiful magazines. I hope to come to Rome next year to meet with them.

Last question: on your blog you made a
 great announce, regarding an upcoming book you’re working on.

When will we be able to handle it???

The book will be out in the spring of 2011. I know it will be available in the UK and the USA but don't know yet if it's going to be translated in Italian.

Be sure we can't wait to have it either in English!

Thank you again Fifi!!

Please, visit Fifi blog  CHEZ FIFI
and tell her I sent you...

{all images of Fifi house and work are made by Dan Mayers and
courtesly taken from Fifi blog with her permission
don't use it unless authorised, thank you}


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