making changes.

Changes they are a-comin'. That's right, there are some changes being made around the Podsy household! We're not necessarily fixing anything that is "broken", we're just making some improvements that are for the better!

Ever since McMommy Daze posted about starting Financial Peace University with her husband last year, I've been feeling a tug to check it out! No, we are not in bad shape financially, but we haven't exactly been planning ahead and making smart decisions about saving money. With plans to buy a new house and start a family in the near future, we realize the importance of paying down our debt and saving! So we jumped in and began FPU last week. We are still in the early stages of it, obviously, but we're really excited to buckle down, budget, and save! I'll try to do posts with updates and tips as we move along.

This has been a busy year. As some of you might remember, I went back to school to get my teaching certificate and I completed student teaching this past winter. Well, it rocked my world- meaning, my entire being was focused on student teaching and it caused me to get off track keeping up with my own healthy eating and fitness. 10 extra pounds later, I'm ready to get it off. I know some of you may think I'm being extreme in thinking 10 pounds is anything to fret about, but I have a naturally smaller frame, and 10 pounds is enough to make my clothes feel uncomfortable and things to feel very out of place.

So, with my mom's recommendation (she's a naturopathic practitioner), Lance and I have begun a body cleanse this week in preparation for getting back on the healthy track! Basically, the cleanse lasts a week and requires you to take a packet of natural supplements with each meal. It's really great because it rids your body of all of the toxins that build up due to processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugars. That, lots of water, and a kitchen stocked with fruits, veggies, and other healthy food is going to kick start our turnaround. I plan to return to "Healthy Wife, Healthy Life" posts on Wednesdays now, too!

Lastly, I'm committing to being more organized. I know that I thrive with organization. The problem? I don't organize. Sounds silly, I know. If I know I am so much better when I'm organized with lists, calendars, and planning, why do I skip it? I think I just get caught up in the day to day and just start relying on sticky notes, random lists, and my memory. But that gets entirely too overwhelming. So, after being inspired by BlueEyed Bride's home organization planner, I'm making one for us! I don't know why I didn't think of something like this before because it makes so much sense to have everything in one place! So far, my binder has daily to-do's, menu planning & grocery lists, weekly chore list, and a weekly to-do overview list. I still have to get dividers and decide what other items to include, but I already feel so much more organized and in control. This is going to be a good thing!

Making changes is going to be a good thing around here. I'm feeling very optimistic, refreshed, and excited! Yay for budgets, health, and organization!


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