My latest obsession...

I just love this show (Jon & Kate Plus 8). I am amazed everytime I see an episode. Can you imagine having two 6 year olds and six 3-year olds at one time! They are going to have 8 kids in high school someday.. holaaay molaay! I think they do a pretty amazing job, though, from what the show depicts. It looks like the key to their sanity is lots of structure. I watched an episode yesterday though where all control was lost as they all headed on a plane trip to Utah. The plane to was re-routed and then sat on another run way for hours until they finally made it to their original desitination. Those poor parents. A 12 hour plane trip with 8 crying children. Yikes! But overall, they have their stuff together. Their entire life is all about doing what's absolutely best for their kids, and that's how it should be! I applaud them for their strength, patience, and commitment to their gigantic clan!

The family also has their own website,, where you can read their story and find other info on this amazing family.


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