A potty-mouth post...

I've spent the last 7 or so hours shopping. With about a 2 hour break for L to nap and us to have dinner. What is all of this money spending for? Our new, suuuper cute bathroom, of course! You know how sometimes you move into a house and its very clear that those before you had... no taste? Well, that was the case with this whole house. However, L and his family did an AMAZING job completely renovating it when he bought it about 3 years ago. He and I have also done some renovating and decorating since and if the former residents stepped foot in here, they would not be able to recognize it for the life of them! Unless, however, they stepped into the main floor bathroom. The tile is "alright" but looked a little less than alright when coupled with the uggggly vanity with grey "marble" counter top and sink. The toilet was a liiiiittle on the big side and not a very nice color either. Anyway, in the last couple of days L has painted the walls a nice, crisp white. He and his dad installed a new, adorable cottage-style vanity. AND, we have, waaaait for it..... a NEW TOILET! Ok, you may think this is going a little too far, but even the toilet is cute. Its a much more conservative size and leaves room for the new white trash container, toilet brush holder, and extra tp holder. Let me inform you that this bathroom is t.i.n.y. So, any extra space to be made is a big plus.

Anwway, amidst all of this shopping we have acquired new yummy towels, a cupboard for the wall opposite the vanity (that matches perfectly!), a set of 3 long iron candle holders for the wall above the toilet, C.O. Bigelow soap (yum!), and some other cute-sies for the decor. I also had a shower curtain that I bought a long time ago because I loved it so much, and it really makes the room :-) We are going to try to get as much up tonight as possible, so hopefully I'll have pictures for you all tomorrow! Stay tuned!


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