Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everyone! My day has been quite eventful, slightly random.. which will be reflected in today's post!

First, I awoke this morning on the big comfy couch in our TV room. Poor L hurt his knee really badly wakeboarding over the weekend (which landed us in Urgent Care on Sunday morning, poor guy) and he and I were parked on the couch last night. He was propped up on one arm and I made my own little bed on the other in case he needed anything. Well, the Notebook was on ABC Family last night, and I must have dozed off during it. (suprisingly, since its one of my all time favorites!) Annnnd, so did he. Therefore, the next thing I knew his cell phone alarm was going off and it was time for me to get ready for work!

I left work early today for an appointment at my alma mater's grad school (another story.. stay tuned!). On my way, I got a call from my younger sister explaining that she was very sick and could not find anyone to cover her shift at the tennis club she works at. If you remember, I worked at this same tennis club through college and I'm still on their payroll for emergencies. Well, today happened to be one of those emergencies. Luckily I was on campus for a meeting anyway, so I just headed over here after to work the shift. Its been nice seeing some of my old co-workers and I miss watching the tennis matches! She owes me one anyway, though!

So as for my reasoning behind visiting a graduate counselor today.. Well, after much thought, research, and debate.. I decided that the nursing route is not the right one for me. I visited several counselors, researched several schools and programs, and the time I will spend completing my prereqs, getting on a waiting list, getting into a program, and completing a program will just be much too long. In addition, there are a few other reasons that I just wasn't feeling 100% about it. Its an absolutely wonderful field to go into, but I couldn't get the feeling that it was for me. Enter aformentioned promotion.. I was promoted from HR Assistant to Recruiter at our company headquarters' Human Resources Department. Around this time, I remembered the HR Graduate Certificate program offered at the University where I did my undergrad. Wellllll, the wheels in my brain starting turning and I am proud to say that I will be heading back to school this Fall to work on my Masters Degree in Human Resource Management. It will begin as the certificate program, but all classes will be applied to a Masters degree which all in all I can complete within two years. I'm very excited about all of this. It kind of all fell together at a time when I was really unsure about what was right for my career-life (as you've all witnessed firsthand from my Interior Design to Nursing to HR Journey). And, this field is definitely not foreign to me. I've worked as an HR assistant for a year, studied it a little bit in college, and have always been involved in leadership roles of organizations. Just took me awhile to put two and two together huh?

If you're still reading this, thanks for enduring the long post. Just for fun, what kind of careers do you all have? Did you decide on yours right away, or did it take you awhile?

**Update!** I forgot to mention I received my Preppy Fall Swap partner today! Shout out to Old Friends & New Shoes! To everyone who entered the swap, Happy Swapping! :)


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