I don't think I've posted much on this topic in the past, but I LOVE picture frames. I think they can make a room whether they're used as a dominant focus in a cluster on a wall, as a smaller accent piece on a table or shelf, or on a memory board in your office or other room. Photos remind you of special times and people in your life, and what better way to show them off than in a beautifully design frame! I especially like grouping frames, and the less they "match" the better. Here are some frames I have throughout our house:

In the master bedroom. I know, there is no photo in the frame yet!

On the wall in our TV room. The whole room have a sort of beach cottage look to it. So these plain cream frames with photos from Martha's Vineyard were a perfect addition! On a side note, I am not in love with the candles on the shelves and am looking for other pieces to add instead.

These are on the shelf above my desk in the office. Like I said, I don't always like to match frames, and think it has a more fun feel when they each have their own thing going on. My favorite is the black and white frame in the middle :-) These were on my shelves in college too.

These are on a bookcase in the master bedroom. The room is Georgia Green and a tan color and they go really well!

On a big shopping day, I generally come home with fun frames. Even if I don't know exactly where they will go yet, I love adding to my collection. They can serve as an inspiration for a new design or make a great gift! We have a spare bedroom, another finished basement room, and the wall on the staircase to the second floor to outfit with photos. I really want to do a big cluster of frames leading up the stairs and I have several Pottery Barn rooms serving as inspiration. Its clear that as time goes on we will have a lot of framing to do so you can bet I'll be looking for new and fabulous ways to showcase our memories!


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