Product Review: St. Ives Warming Scrub

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My facialist often uses this warming scrub during facials, but I've never bought it because honestly... well it's like $60 for a tiny little tube of it and it didn't seem worth it for such an occasional luxury. But when I was looking for soap in the grocery store yesterday, I came across this product from St. Ives. Now I know St. Ives is about as old and cheap as it gets, but I've always loved their products! They never break me out and my mom taught me to use the Apricot scrub for exfoliating from an early age.
So I tried this warming scrub this morning in the shower and I have to say, I absolutely love it! It gives the exact same relaxing warmth as the $60 version at the spa and it left my skin feeling really clean and smooth! I think I paid CI $7.99 for this, so it's probably cheaper in the US! It's a total bargain and I'd recommend it for anyone who wants to do a little DIY pampering!

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