Running Love

My dear-old-Dad and my Aunt are going to begin training for the 2009 Hamp*tons Mar*athon. My dad told me all about it yesterday and asked me to run it with them. I would absolutely love to! However, the thought of running a full marathon scares me to death!! Sure, I love running and races.. but we're talking 5K's. I think that running an entire Marathon would be a huuuge physical and mental accomplishment but! Both of my parents have run Marathons before so I know that its in my genes to be able to do it, but can I really? Anyway, they also have a half Marathon (thank goodness) in case I want to stay in the 13 mile comfort zone.

The race takes you through East Hampton, NY. It will be a beautiful trail and is rated as one of the Top 10 Races by Runners World. It won't be until next September so I will have time to train (for the half or full if I decide to go for it!).

Any Marathoners out there with words of encouragement for the nowhere-near-26.2-milers?


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