

This morning Mr. P and I woke up really early and accompanied my Dad, Step-Mom, and little sister (who were in town for the night and this morning) to downtown Detroit for the Detroit Free Press Marathon. My Aunt, who has been training hard all year, was running the full marathon and we wanted to go and cheer her on at a couple of spots on the route. As soon as we arrived, I had that same feeling that I've had when I've run 5K's in the past. Its just an overwhelming sense of motivation. All of these people in one place, running their hearts out, cheering eachother on, and racing toward a goal. Some people are running for fitness, some to challenge themselves, some in honor of someone else. Whatever their reason, they are out there accomplishing a MAJOR feat. Well at the marathon, its that feeling x ten. 26.2 miles is a huuge distance to run. It sounds so overwhelming to someone who has never run more than 6 or 7 miles at once. But being there this morning and watching all of these people just DO IT, filled me with inspiration.

I decided this morning that I WILL run a marathon. I'm not saying I will run it next year or the year after, but I WILL do it.

I have talked about doing a half marathon in the past, but never pushed myself to do it. Well, I also decided this morning that I WILL do a half marathon within the next year. I think its a great "stepping stone" to prepare me, even if just mentally, for the 26.2.

I was truly inspired this morning and I know that I WILL do this :o)


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