Shopping, Burritos and Chocolates, Oh My!

We are feeling a bit tired this week, but there is construction next door with lots of banging so we had to get out of the house. I thought tooling around the mall would be good since there are restaurants, stores, cafes and a cinema there so we headed back to Westfield for round two... one week later. It's so big that you could literally spend about a week there!

We started off with lunch. THis time around we did not go to a sit down restaurant, but opted for the upscale food court instead. Hubby ate a chicken pie, but I opted for Nineteen Ten Mexican Kitchen. It was delish! It's pretty much exactly like Chipotle, though to be honest, it's not as good and more expensive, but it definitely did the trick!
We shopped and shopped all day and after all of that, a coffee was in order. We stopped at Butler's chocolate cafe.

I couldn't resist having a few chocolates! Butler's chocolates are amazing! They are like the equivalent to Godiva in the UK.

The cafe was very cool and pretty! It reminded me of an old fashioned soda shoppe or something like that.

All the shops are starting to put out their Christmas gift boxes. Seems a bit early, but if you know me, you know I would be happy if it was Christmas every day!

I had a latte and hubs had a cappucinno. Then we headed on our way back home. We had to change stations at Hammersmith, so we picked up some groceries there for the house. There were all sorts of super cool kids hanging out and cops everywhere... we figure it must be a concert since a man was asking to pay people for any extra Mumford and Sons tickets they have to sell.
We're so tired now and I feel as though I could be coming down with a cold. Will be sticking close to home tomorrow for sure! I need to do some laundry and just get some rest. I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. What are your plans?

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