Why Thank You!

Why thank you, thank you to Miss Champagne and Sundresses for the Kreativ Blogger Award! As required by this award, here are 6 things that make me happy!

1. Golden Retriever puppies!! They are so fluffy and chubby and full of life! They're also the most snuggly little things ever! And, they grow up to be the most amazing companions. I grew up with a golden and she was the best dog anyone could ask for. I can not wait for the day that L and I have our own! :-)

2. Cooking! I love trying new recipes and perfecting the ones that I already know. It makes me smile when L takes a bite of something new and gets a big smile on his face and says "you have to make this again." The same thing goes for baking.

3. Pottery Barn and seeing their catalog in my mailbox. Everytime I see that thing sticking out of my mailbox, I get giddy! I know, it sounds silly, but I just loooooooooooove that store! I love home decor period and things that make a home feel cozy :-) Pottery Barn does an excellent job at that!

4. Quiet nights in with my sweetie pie :-) We both have pretty busy schedules lately, so when we get a free evening to just relax together, I love it! We make some good food (or order something good!), pull up our Tivo and just lounge. Being lazy is so much better together!

5. Music. I couldn't live without it. I grew up in a very musical family and have been singing with my sisters for years. One of my absolute favorite memories is one where the whoooole family is in my grandma and grandpa's kitchen (its a big family and an even bigger kitchen!). One of my cousins walked in singing "Rockin' Robin" and the ENTIRE family busted out in song, complete with harmony. Yep, that's my absolutely fabulous-wouldn't trade them for anything-family! Which leads me to #6...

6. My family. I have really big families on both sides and just love every last one of them to pieces. We have the best times together, and I could not live without them! There's something really special about having a big family. Get-togethers are always so much fun and entertaining & everyone is there for one another completely. God, I love them all!

I now send this award to...

All Things In Moddy
le petite blog
Always Organizing


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