
What a nice weekend it has been!

L spent yesterday morning working on my sisters car with his dad (well, our car now since she and I swapped to get my lease off of my hands.. new car soon!) I did some afternoon shopping where I found some fantastic sales and bought a new outfit for work and a new scarf. I also stopped in at Border's to pick up a couple of job-related books. L had a hockey game last night so I bundled up and headed to the rink with his brother's girlfriend and my best friend (their boyfriends are on the team too) and we had a great time half watching/half girl-talking. After the game, L and I went to a friend's birthday celebration in the city at Vicente's. We had such a great time listening to the latin music and watching the salsa dancers and even tried a little ourselves. :-)

Today is a nice relaxing Sunday. We just got back from a late breakfast, and now we're just going to relax, catch up on some things, and possibly do dinner and a movie later this evening. Tomorrow begins another very busy week, so I'm definitely thankful for the relaxing weekend it has been. Especially since he didn't have to work which has allowed us to spend lots of time together!

Ohhh, one more thing.. there is something very exciting that is in the works for me/us right now. Its in the early stages and I will find out a lot more this week. Its career-related, and would mean big news for L and I. Soooo, say a little prayer that it all works out :-) I promise to post about it when I find out more this week!

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend!!


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