Workout Ideas

Basically up until college I've been super lucky with not having to pay attention to what I eat because I've been pretty active. I don't think I've necessarily gained the proverbial "freshman 15", but I know I've probably gained 5-6 lbs. I was talking to a friend of mine today and he said that "i have to make sure im not the fattest" during a text conversation we had. Now I know I'm not the fattest, but I do worry that I might have gained some noticeable weight, so I'm starting my pre-thanksgiving break workout regiment. If it sounds official, maybe I'll stick with it. I live in a building that is about as far away from the gym as you can get, but my parents say that's no excuse.

No joke this is our workout facility: The Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center. "The Strom" is about a half-hour walk from my dorm so when I go I have to be extremely motivated. I've decided that I'm going to take advantage of living on the 14th floor of a 16 floor building by doing the stairs. I say doing because there is no way I'm in shape enough to run them. Today I did two sets of the stairs and I was able to jog up the first half both times which I'm pretty proud of. After the sets I did 100 calf raisers to see what that might do! I'm feeling pretty excited about this workout and to see what my maximum rep's of stair sets will be. My goal is to add a set every day, but that might be tough. I've downloaded a bunch of great workout music and did my sets for today. I wrote everything down and I'm going to try to stay with it!

What do you guys do to keep in shape? Any ideas or suggestions for me would be greatly appreciated!! I hope everyone is getting excited for Thanksgiving!!


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