The odds were incredibly stacked against our Christmas this time last week. Heathrow was closing and it seemed impossible that my mother-in-law would get to fly over to us for the holidays. Needless to say, that bummed us out considerably! But we got our Christmas miracle! Every flight from Cork, Ireland to Heathrow was cancelled last Tuesday except hers and though she was delayed, we were excited to say better late than never! On her first day here we took her around our neighborhood of Kensington and visited Kensington Palace for the Enchanted Palace Exhibition.

Kensington Palace has been the home of many a Royal including Princess Diana and Queen Victoria!

While it's under construction, they have this exhibition on. It's a scavenger hunt to find the 7 princesses who've all come back from the grave to inhabit the palace again. It would be great if you were a little girl... for us it was a bit cheesy, but still fun! No photos allowed inside execpt in this room with the throne!

We also visited Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park where we were greeted by this talking tree...

And we rode the wheel. It was pretty cool and much cheaper and closer than The London Eye, but with the same basic effect...

Our favorite part was this singing moose. He sang in German and English! hahha There were German markets as well and we enjoyed mulled wine and crepes! Yum!

We had a few tokens left over from the wheel so we decided to chance this slide... I was so excited that my 74 year old MIL decided to slide with us! It was hilarious and she really enjoyed it! She's a champ!
Other days have been spent visiting some of my husband's cousins who live in London. We had a lovely dinner as guests of his first cousin and her boyfriend one night at the exclusive
Sloane Club. It was so chic and the food was delish! We also got to meet the new baby twin boys that are his 2nd cousins, their mother and her sister (both 1st cousins) and that was great fun too! Who knew we'd get to see so many people when we moved here?
Christmas Day was great! We started with a big breakfast and mass at a nearby Catholic church. We then munched on finger foods through the day, had tea and presents and then dinner and watched Toy Story later. There was good food, good wine and great company! I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas!
Today is Boxing Day! It's a holiday in the UK and the sales are meant to be amazing... might have to check those out later! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got everything you hoped for from Santa! xoxo
What was your favorite gift?

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