Hey Strangers!

Hey everyone! I can't believe it has been 2 whole weeks since I last posted! Apparently I took "Christmas Break" really seriously and took a break from more that just grad school! I hope all of my wonderful readers are still out there and ready for what is in store for Vineyard Vogue in 2010!

As mentioned before, I am in the process of re-vamping my blog. I'm hoping that I will complete the process and be ready to unveil it by the end of January, if not early February. I'm really, really excited to make my vision for my blog into reality, so definitely stay tuned!

There are some changes ready to take place immediately, though! Let me tell you about them...

1. Like many other newlyweds, the months following the wedding bring on the "happy fat". Well, I've only gained a few pounds but I can tell that if I don't nip it in the bud, it could get a little bit out of hand. So, I have decided to dedicate one day a week on my blog to keeping up with my exercise/diet regimen. I'm going to call it "Healthy Wife, Healthy Life!" I'm joining a fitness competition with some other bloggers that I will include in my weekly reports, in addition to blogging about my quest to have a healthy diet, body, and home! I know my blogging buddies will help keep me accountable!

2. In my quest to be better in the kitchen, I am always trying new recipes. I have blogged a lot about recipes I love in the past, but I would like to dedicate a larger section of my blog to this. I know a lot of us are newlyweds who are building our kitchen repertoire, so I would love to make a portion of my blog a resource and forum for us to share our recipes with one another. I think I will begin this by starting up the "Blogger's Cooking Club" that I talked about before. More details about this to follow. I hope many of you will join the fun :o)

I'm very excited for the new things in store for Vineyard Vogue in 2010!

I have really enjoyed reading everybody's goals and aspirations of 2010. Its refreshing when a new year rolls around and you feel like you can wipe the slate clean and get focused on a new year. It should be a reminder, though, that we all have the opportunity to set goals and get focused all year long. Many people get into the annual cycle of setting goals and resolutions and breaking them, only to try again in the new year. Instead, let the transition to the new year be just one of the infinite times through the year when you can decide to pursue your goals. Maybe set a "goal schedule" for yourself, laying out a plan for the year when you will revisit your goals, see how much progress you're making, and set more goals accordingly. Everyday is the first day of the rest of our lives :o)

Happy 2010, everyone!


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