Anyway, I'm trying to think warm! It helps that I won this new Gap number for $25 on eBay:

Not that it is even physically possible to wear this right now (due to said freeezing temperatures!), but there will be plenty of events this Spring to choose to wear it to. I know, I'm getting waaay ahead of myself. That's like 60-something degrees away!
Thankfully, today is casual day at work. I'm warm and cozy in my black uggs. (think what you want.. today is a perfect example of why these are neccessary in Michigan!)
So glad the weekend is only a couple of short hours away! Tonight I'm getting together with a bunch of girlfriends, tomorrow L and I are going to work on wedding stuff, watch lots of movies on our DVR, and COOK :-) I am sad to say I did not cook once this week for lack of time and lack of the two of us both being home at dinner time. Looking back, wow we were busy this week! Anyway, back to the weekend.. Sunday morning we are making a little trip to my grandparents' to discuss the wedding! I don't know if I mentioned before, but were are having our reception and quite possibly our ceremony on their property. They live on 10 acres of pure beauty! My aunt and one of my Uncles had their wedding receptions there, and they were absolutely beautiful and so much fun! Not to mention it is a very special place to me, of course, and also to L since he has spent almost 9 years becoming part of the family. So, we will be sitting down to discuss numbers and logistics and go over the caterer information that my grandmother has gathered for us!
Hope you all have an amazing weekend! And, for everyone: STAY WARM!!
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