Yay for Friday!

Yay for Friday! And, even better, yay for a half day of work today! :-)

I'm leaving at noon for a weekend trip to the west side of the state to visit my Dad, step-mom, and youngest sister. On the way, I'm stopping in to pick up my other two sisters from their apartment on their college campus. I'm so excited to have all of us sisters together with my dad for a whole weekend! We don't get to do that as often since he moved for his new company and since we're all such busy little bee's!

I'm looking forward to just hanging out with my family, doing a little skiing, of course having breakfast at Food Dance, playing with my little Chessie girl, doing some wedding planning with my sisters, and scoping out some locations for L and I to do our Engagement photo session at the end of May :-) Our photographer is from Indianapolis and will be meeting us there for that session since its closer to Indiana and there won't be as much traveling for her involved. Speaking of our photographer.. She's amazing. As soon as our contract is in to her I promise to post about her! I'm so excited!!

I hope everyone has a very relaxing weekend!


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