Advice from...

Will Smith! 

Don't ask me why I thought of this song, BUT I've been all over it since last night! It is such a sweet song between Will Smith (and I'm assuming) his son!

My sister and I used to have (actually we probably have it in our house somewhere now...) one of the Radio Disney CD's (90's children's throwback anyone? Anyone??) and this was on it and I can remember rocking out to it very clearly. Anyway, part of the song says, "throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad--let God deal with the things they do, 'cause hate in your heart will consume you too, always tell the truth, say your prayers, hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears" and I think it is such good advice! What a good message to tell your kids (and even keep in mind for us big kids!), and it has been on my mind since I heard it last night. 

I've had a very stressful week this week because of tests and everything--oh no!--so I'm sorry about the not so good posting! Since I was listening to this while studying, I thought I'd share so I could combine blogging and last night's mega studying!!



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