Alright, how is this for weird?

So today I wanted to blog about what I wore to work last Sunday, so I search the name of the dress from Resort 2008. This is the result from my Google search: Look at the fifth site down from all the results (hopefully you can see it)..."Preps Rock It With Our Collars Popped"...I got my own blog as a result!! A.) I didn't think that blogger was available in google searches, but the other day I got a comment on a prom post about a fellow blogger finding my site looking for the Chellis dress (that I'm in love with), B.) I'm so excited!! I just think that is too cool! Plus I just signed up for "Google Analytics" which is a free service that gives you all kinds of updates about your website. My friend Audrey told me to sign up so I finally did after seeing all you really had to do was register your website and voila, too easy!

To continue about my work dress though, I wore my Jacqueline Ponte Knit dress from Resort last year. Every time I wear it I get more and more compliments. It is such a functional and appropriate dress that really does look good on everyone- snatch it up if you can find it (its very true to size). I paired it with a very lightweight cardigan from Target that is basically the same color green as the green stripe and I was perfectly dressed for the beautiful day downtown! We were even able to keep the door open and had some doggy visitors (one of my favorite co-workers Harriet is a HUGE dog fan so she lets all of them in and gives them a drink!) I wore my platinum Jacks for the entire 5 hour shift and survived! Prom here I come! We also sold a pair to a high school senior who was buying the Olie Printed Dress with Bows (yellow strapless, Lilly, very cute on her for graduation party/festivities!) and she agreed on their versatility and function. Yet another satisfied Platinum Jack Rogers owner! Woo hoo! It is so nice to finally have Lilly dress weather!!!

P.S. Thanks for checking in everyone! I can't believe I got 60 views in one day. As far as I can remember that's the most ever in a single day!! I'm working on following more people so I'd love to find you if I haven't already!! And and and I'm still looking for another survey-type post like my list of 25, so if you see anything fun, let me know!! They're fabulously fun posts to do!

P.S.S. I still have made no college progress. It will happen. 30 days until I have to send in a formal deposit and enroll. We shall see, my darlings!



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