Calling all Gleeks!

I was scoping out some insider information about Glee, pretty much my favorite TV show on TV, and came upon this website. After poking around and seeing the slide show, I found this photo. Look at her skirt...might we remember someone else who owns that? 

Circa the Busy Bee post I wrote in December, you might all remember that I DO! I wore this skirt to an unofficial alumni function that I organized during our Christmas break! I am SO SO SO excited to be matching a GLEE character! I let out a little victory yelp and my roommate looked at me like I was crazy for being excited about it haha!

There I am with two of my other very tall friends in the skirt. It is a teeny bit hard to see the bow since I don't wear it smack dab in the middle of my waist, but it is the same one! I do admit I'm a big-time Gleek, and this probably goes to prove that! Oh well!!



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