It's Been a Great Week!

First of all, today is the last day to enter my giveaway! Click here to enter to win a Jonathan Adler iPhone cover from

This has been a great week! In comparison to most weeks, we've had quite a lot going on so it's been really fun! First up on Tuesday we had Pancake Tuesday!!! European pancakes aren't the same as the big fluffy Aunt Jamima version I was used to. They are much thinner and closer to the consistency and taste of a crepe. We filled ours with either powdered sugar & lemon juice or Nutella & bananas, but I hear the filling options are infinite! Some people even fill theirs with more savory options like vegetables or ham & cheese.
Here's a photo of hubby flipping a pancake! It was also his birthday that day so I had planned to make the pancake as a surprise, but turns out he really enjoys making them! I have to admit, that did take a lot of pressure off!

This is a photo of the lillies that were in my birthday bouquet. They have opened up beautifully!

I'm starting to get really excited about Spring and wearing more color! I'm getting kind of obsessed with orange right now and I'm in LOVE with this Chanel polish I saw in UK Vogue called Peche Nacree. Just gorgeous! If anyone knows where it's being sold in London, I'd love the tip!

On Thursday I met my friend Juliet at Westfield for some shopping and chit chat. It was the day after her birthday so I thought nothing would suit better than to be extravagant and hit up the Searcy's Champagne Bar, located in The Village at Westfield. It was lush to say the least and the champagne was delish!

I had received a rewards certificate of 13 pounds from Esprit and it was burning a hole in my pocket. I decided on this adorable twin set situation! I just love it! It's super cool and breezy as well as neutral and comfy. I think I'm gonna get a lot of wear out of it! I like it with jeans, but I also think it would be cute with shorts or even a cute mini!
I also grabbed this adorable saddle bag looking purse from H&M in coral! I'm in love! I carried it yesterday and it's too cute and totally nice considering I paid less than 13 pounds for it. It will be a great addition to my wardrobe and perfect for the colorful trends this spring!
And for 7.99 I scored these coral ballet flats. I'll be honest, they aren't amazing for comfort and fit, but they are super cute and they do the trick! I have already worn them once and I just love them!

Yesterday we went exploring in Wimbledon Village. It's the area near the where the famous tennis tournament is held every year. We saw some gorgeous houses while we were there.

We went for a stroll and found the tennis center. It's huge and very impressive! They also have a museum there and if you tour the museum, you can also tour center court, but we missed the last tour unfortunately. Here are some photos from the grounds:

This morning when I woke up, I looked out the window and saw a gorgeous sign of Spring's approach across the street!
It'll be spring soon and this week I'm doing a wee inventory and clean-out of my closet, seeing what's there and what's missing for my spring wardrobe! I'm always excited to play with my clothes and accessories! I love planning out my outfit options and making a list of things to buy for my wardrobe! I hope you're all enjoying the weekend so far!

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