You ask, I answer #2

Stephanie from Well, here's the thing... asked-

"Where did you go to college? What was your experience like there?"

I'm loving this question because it gives me a chance to relieve some of my favorite times in college! I attended a medium-size university in Michigan and loved my college experience! I joined Del*ta Ze*ta sorority during my Junior year (I had two senior years so I was an active member longer than just two years!). I met amazing friends, two of whom are standing up in my wedding, and had experiences that will stay with me forever. So much growing up happens in college, and from the time I entered freshman year, to the day I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, SO many life changing things happened and I grew into the person I am today.

I loved being a member of my sorority! From meeting new, amazing friends, to living in the sorority house for two years, to getting more involved in campus than I ever could have otherwise, it was one of the best decisions I could have made! I had the awesome experience of being President and I learned sooo much during my time in that position! I learned that I am stronger and can handle more than I thought I could. It really had a giant impact on me personally and professionally. I loved sorority life and recommend it to anyone heading to college!

I couldn't have asked for a better college experience :o) My only regret is that I didn't get my Bachelors degree in one of the design arts. I have a minor in Interior Design, and I do wish that I would have studied to get a Bachelors in interior or graphic design. Now that I'm out in the "real world", dreaming of what to make a career out of, I realize that a graphic design degree would have put me at the starting point that I would like to be at! But, that's a whoooole other story for a whoooole other post!

My Aunt at Zeebabee Designs, asks:

Who is your favorite Aunt?

Definitely not the one who poked my in the tushy with my diaper pin! Haha, just kidding.. I LOVE YOU LOTS!! You're my favorite youngest aunt!

Waterfront Preppy (one of my bridesmaids!), asks:

Favorite color?

I can never pick one color to be my favorite. I am more of a fan of color combos! I love brown paired with almost any color. I am a big fan of pink and green (also my sorority's colors!). I love cream with Provincial blue... I could go on and on. Again, I was an Interior Design minor in college, other IDE girls can appreciate my complicated color preferences!

If money weren't an issue, what would you like to spend your time doing?

This is a good one! Here is what life would look like if money was not an issue:

I would be opening my own business which would be my own home-goods boutique, and custom invitation shop. I would be traveling all over the country and world to find new and fabulous things to sell in my shop and to furnish my own home with. I would be able to manage my business from my home and set my own hours after we have children. Pottery Barn would be able to shoot a catalog from inside my home; Martha, Giada, Paula, Ina, or Sandra Lee would be able to film a show from my kitchen; and I would be able to look out every one of our home's windows and see a forest of trees, a beautiful lake, and a golden retriever relaxing while L is bringing in firewood for our giant stone fireplace! Someday... :o)

Dream home? What does it look like, feel like, details?

My dream home is something old, full of character and full of history. I posted about this home very early in my blogging days. I love browsing the Old Houses site. So many great, beautiful old homes :o) Even if L and I are ever able to build our own house, we would hope to create blueprints of a home that mimicks a farm house, Victorian, colonial, or plantation home. If you REALLY want to see SEVERAL of my dream homes, take a ferry to Martha's Vineyard and drive around for the day. I love that island, and I LOVE the homes!

Kids some day? How many?

Absolutely. One of my biggest dreams in life is to become a mother. L and I want a family about the size that each of us grew up with. So, 3 or 4 children someday! We won't be ready for a baby right away, but they are definitely in our future :o)


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