100 Things About Me.. Almost.

So, I will admit that I have sat down to write my "100 things" several times in the last week or so. The task seems daunting when time is of the essence, so I have decided to write 10 Things About Me, every Monday, for the next ten weeks. At the end of the 10 weeks, I will compile them and tuck them neatly away, with their own link! Until then, enjoy learning a little about me every Monday :-)

1-10 Things About Me!

1. I was born, raised, and still live in Michigan, but swear I was from the South in another life.

2. I majored in Psychology in college (3 more weeks!), and have a minor in Interior Design.

3. I am the oldest of 4 daughters.

4. I was President of my sorority.

5. I am very traditional, but not a plain jane by any means.

6. I am in Heaven when in Pottery Barn.

7. My favorite times to go running are early in the morning, or right at dusk in the evening.

8. I love sundresses and flip flops in the summer.

9. I have known my best friend since 1st grade.

10. I love getting manicures, but can't manage to keep my nails looking nice for more than 48 hours.


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