And I'm done!

I am now officially finito with college :-) I feel very accomplished!.. actually, it has not completely hit me yet. I'm sure once the week gets started I will really get used to the idea. The ceremony was very nice. It wasn't as long as I expected, and Waterfront Preppy and I got to sit together so we weren't completely bored during the thousands of names being called.

So now what? I continue the job search, start working my HR Assistant job full time, continue unpacking my things, and dedicate more time to hobbies.. old and new. It feels nice to know that I will have more time for stuff like that! The unpacking is going to take a little while though, that's for sure. I have suitcases and boxes FULL of clothes that I haaave to get through. I keep telling myself I should send ATLEAST 50% to good-will, because there is no way I wear all of that stuff. Plus, I have to make room for all of the new, big-girl career clothes that will soon take over! Luckily L gave me two closets.. because I think that even if I get rid of half of what I have, I will replenish the supply in no time ;-)

The rest of the day will be a lazy one. Well, besides a little more unpacking. But it will be spend enjoying the thoughts about anything other than homework and final exams.. because I'm DONE! :-)


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